Accelerate learning
The purpose of our tutorial programme is to complement compulsory education in school. Parents need to be clear that our tuition is not a substitute that simply repeats the teaching delivered in schools.
We assess how well the student has understood his (or, her) lessons in school, his ability to critically think about and apply the knowledge. We then guide the student to build on his foundation. At all times, we aim to inculcate good studying habits and proper answering techniques. We aim to inspire your child’s curiosity and interest in the subject, as a motivated student is less likely to find studying a drudgery. Parents should set a reasonable, realistic target for their child, based on the child’s learning ability. This will avoid unnecessary stress for the child.
Tuition is not for exams only
Holistic education is more than an emphasis on examinations. We guide students on proper learning habits and attitudes, and focus on transferable skills. Some schools may not specifically emphasize these. Our personal coaching help our students to quickly correct deficiencies and raise their effectiveness. By being more effective learners, our students save time and shorten their learning curve.
Proper effective parenting is important
The influence of the parents is the most significant in the education of a child. From an educational standpoint, most parents are “inexperienced/unlicensed drivers”. Unless you are teaching your 10th child, your best experience is probably that of your own learning many many years ago. Much as being chauffeured from A to B is not the same as you driving the car yourself from A to B, teaching is not the same as your own learning years ago. The mistakes that you made, are just as likely to be taught to your child. The skills, attitudes and habits that you never developed or forgotten, will never be learnt by your child.
The good intentions of parents may have unintended consequences. For example, there was a student that came across as intelligent to the parents, considered academically strong by his peers, but regularly failed to complete his test papers and consequently, did not attain good marks. When we delved into the issue, we found that the parent stipulated that the child had to do homework for 2 hours every day after school. Should there be no homework or should the homework be finished early, the parent will set extra homework. Consequently, the student developed a habit of dreaming and procrastinating with his homework opened in front of him, so that he could avoid extra work.
Frequent concerns of parents
Qn: My child does his/her homework regularly. Why is his/her results not good?
The causes include poor studying attitudes and habits, incorrect answering techniques and a below average learning ability.
Qn: Why is the difference in grades so large for students from the same class?
In a large class, a teacher is unable to give individualized attention to every student. Those students that adapt quickly to a large class environment will be able to follow the lesson. Those that adapt poorly tend to day-dream and get distracted.
Qn: Why is large group tuition not effective?
Large group tuitions are unable to give specific attention to the weaknesses and deficiencies of any particular student. Large group tuitions do not diagnose and correct poor studying attitudes and habits.
Qn: How is SchoolTopia able to solve the learning difficulties of a student?
We do a deep dive into the various facets of a student’s learning to understand the root cause(s) of falling grades. We then develop a bespoke tutorial programme to correct the cause(s). As the coaching is 1-to-1, we are better able to target the issues effectively, leading to better outcome. With the cooperation of the parents and student, the grades should improve.
答: 孩子的成绩上不去主要有,学习态度、学习方法、学习能力、学习习惯等方面的原因。
答: 大班教学,一个老师上课不能专职辅导每位孩子,有的学生适应能强,能适应老师的教学方法,能跟着老师的思路走,有的学生适应能差,上课容易分心、注意力不集中。
答: 补习班不能对学生诊断,诊断不出学生的主要问题,不能根据学生的个人情况进行针对性的辅导。
4、为什么 SchoolTopia 的1对1辅导,能全方面解决学习问题?
答: SchoolTopia 的1对1辅导,针对学生进行测评找出学生成绩下降的主要原因,为学生量身定做个性化辅导方案,一位特级教师带一位学生,一位学生享有一个团队,因施教,针对性极强,因此能让学生的学习态度,学习方法、学习能力、学习习惯等全面提升,让学生的成绩提的又快有扎实。
Issues commonly encountered by students 学生的常见问题
The breadth and depth of the curriculum increases from lower to upper primary. Students who are unable to cope may start to feel troubled, pressured and anxious about homework. Their confidence drops and they may start to doubt their own abilities, leading to low interest and motivation in studies. They may become rebellious and dislike school.
Drawing on our many years of experience, we deliver our tutorials in a way that emphasize the learning attitudes and habits needed to adapt to the increased workload. We train them to be independent in thoughts, analytical and methodical in answering exam questions.
在教学过程中,我们发现很多学生由于无法适应小四与小五六学习方法上的差异而出现厌学情绪,畏难情绪、逆反与浮躁心理使他们开始怀疑自己,不再自信,从而使他们对学习的兴趣逐渐降低 ……
[Secondary 1]
When students initially progress to secondary one, the environment, the teachers and the classmates are all new. It is not easy for school teachers to identify problems with students they are not yet familiar with. Secondly, the amount of content covered at the beginning of the first year is relatively undemanding. With a major exam at least four years away, students who did well in PSLE may slack off. The poor grasp of core knowledge, the deficient study habits and attitudes, and the ineffective answering techniques only manifest themselves when the difficulty level of assessments increase in subsequent years.
Our tutorial programme keeps students on their toes, on top of their studies, so that any gap in knowledge and any deficiency in skillset can be immediately remedied before any “study debt” accumulates.
中一的知识点似乎比较少,学校的讲解是面向多数学生的,很难及时发现个别学生的问题,同学们很容易放松对自己的要求。一些同学因为考试成绩暂时还不错,就会忽略养成好的学习习惯的必要性,对很多 “ 小问题 ” 或 “小毛病 ” 置之不理。这些问题在题目比较简单的情况下,容易得到控制,一旦难度提高或时间限制严格,就会集中爆发出来,严重影响考试成绩。这就要求学生平时要注意边学习边总结,不欠账不放松,及时提问及时解决,在进入中二后学习就会变得相对轻松。
[Secondary 2]
Secondary Two is a crucial year that decides a student’s subject combination for the remainder of his secondary school life. This educational choice is likely to have an impact on his entire career. The student will have more topics to handle by this year. We highlight those that are more important and more difficult. We ensure that our students have a very clear understanding of the basic concepts, and we continuous check for gaps in core content. A good grasp of the subject covered in secondary 1 and 2 forms a stable foundation for secondary 3.
[Secondary 3 and 4]
If the student is taking “O” Levels, we prepare the student for this exam. The topics and concepts that are a priority in previous years are given special attention in our regular classes. We delve into selected topics and their applications to give more breadth and depth of understanding. We practice on past year papers to familiarize students with their format, and to correct weakness in their answering techniques.