Students attending Ministry of Education’s (MOE) Primary Schools in Singapore follow a well-defined Mathematics syllabus. We provide a complementary tuition programme.

The learning journey can be divided into a Lower Block (Primary Three and Primary Four) and an Upper Block (Primary Five and Primary Six). The Lower Block introduces fundamental mathematical concepts and skills. It sets the basic foundation for subsequent learning.  

Here is a simple overview.

Primary Three

Theme: Number and Algebra

1. Numbers up to 10,000

– count in 100s and 1000s

read and write in numbers and words

– comparing and ordering numbers

– number notation, representation and place values (number discs and number lines)

– know what is 1, 10, 100, 1000 more/less than a 4-digit number

– sequences in number patterns

– rounding and approximations

2. Addition and Subtraction

– up to 4 digits

– mental calculation of two 2-digit numbers

– solve up to 2-step word problems 

– associate “sum” and “difference” with comparison models

3. Multiplication and Division

– 6, 7, 8, 9 multiplication tables

– radom X and ÷ within the multiplication tables, mentally

– division with quotient and reminder

– X and ÷ 3-digit numbers by 1-digit

– family of X and ÷ facts

– solve up to 2-step word problems, part-whole and comparison model drawing

– identify languages for models, e.g. XX “times as many as”

4. Equivalent Fractions

– express fraction in simplest form

– compare and order unlike fractions with denominators less than 12

– writing the equivalent fraction given a numerator / denominator

– represent fractions on a number line

– illustrate fractions with part-whole models, fraction discs

– make list of 1st 8 equivalent fractions and use list to compare 2 unlike fractions 

5. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

– +, – two proper fractions with denominators ≤ 12

– explain two related fractions and their +, – with fraction discs

Theme: Measurement and Geometry

1. Length, Mass and Volume

– develop a sense of 1km and 1ml (e.g. dropper, cough syrup container, tea spoon) 

– measure length in km and volume in ml

– count in steps of 100ml to make 1l

– unit conversion, m vs km, cm vs m, g vs kg, ml vs l

– how to use measuring tools, e.g. measuring tape for length >1m, measuring scale for weight >1kg, measuring jars for volume >1l

– word problems involving length, mass and volume

2. Time

– read and tell time in hr and min on analog clock

– develop sense of 1min duration, and what can be done in 1min, e.g. HR/min

– know how to read common time-table, e.g. TV programme schedule, bus schedule, exam time-table

– use “past” and “to” to tell time

– convert hr and min to min only, and vice versa

– find start time, finish time or duration given other two, know how to represent and visualise them on a timeline

– word problems for time in hr and min

3. Area and Perimeter

– understand the concept for both, e.g. using textbook area to measure Teacher’s table size

– understand different rectangle shapes (area) can have same perimeter, and vice versa

– visualise 1cm2 and 1m2

– measure area in cm2 and m2

– determine area of rectangles on square grids by counting and calculation

– estimate areas of figures on grids with partial and complete squares

– calculate area and perimeter of squares and rectangles

4. Angle

– concept of angle and amount of turning

– acute angle, obtuse angle and right angle

5. Perpendicular and Parallel Lines

– identify them in 2-D figures

– know how to check and determine these lines

– construct using set squares and protractor, and on square grids

Theme: Statistics

1. Bar graphs

– read and interpret data from bar graphs

– understand how to collect data, e.g. survey, and represent with a bar graph

– use different scales on axis

– read data to solve 1-step problems

Primary Four

Theme: Number and Algebra

1. Numbers up to 100,000

– read and write in numbers and words

– comparing and ordering numbers

– number notation, representation and place values (number discs and number lines)

– sequences in number patterns

– rounding and approximations

2. Factors and Multiples

– relate these concepts to multiplication and division

– find factors of a number <100

– find common factors of two given numbers

– determine if a given number is a multiple of a 1-digit number

– find common multiples of two given 1-digit numbers

– relate concept of common factor to simplification of fraction

– relate concept of common multiple to finding common denominator for unequal fractions

3. Four Orders of Operations

– visualise and explain multiplication of numbers by 10s

– multiply 4-digits by 1-digit

– multiply 3-digits by 2-digits

– divide 4-digits by 1-digits

– word problems up to 3 steps, part-whole and comparison models

– use estimations to check if the answers are reasonable

4. Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

– concept of fraction as part of a set

– illustrate and visualise with set drawing

– solving fraction by adding up sum of the parts

5. Fraction of a Set

– illustrate and explain concept using set drawings

– solve fractions by adding sum of parts

6. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

– up to 2 fractions, with denominators ≤12

– word problems up to 2-steps

Theme: Decimals

1. Decimals up to 3 decimal places

– notation, representations and place values

– comparing and ordering decimals; by comparing whole number parts and then the fractional parts; on number lines

– division, writing answer as decimal numbers

– convert decimals to fractions

– convert fractions with denominators of 10 and 100 to decimals

– rounding off

– application to length/mass/volume 

– connect measurements in fractions and decimals on a number line

– counting in tenths and hundredths

– plus and minus in steps of 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001

– number sequences and patterns in decimals

– represent equivalent decimals, e.g. 0.2, 0.20, 0.200

2. Addition and Subtraction

– word problems on everyday situations, e.g. prices of food in canteen, allowances, shopping receipts 

– up to 2 decimal places 

– use estimations to check if the answers are reasonable

3. Multiplication and Division

– 2 decimal-place numbers by 1-digit number

– 2-step word problems involving all four orders of operations

– rounding off to required accuracy

– use estimations to check if the answers are reasonable

Theme: Measurement and Geometry

1. Measure Time

– measuring time in seconds, develop sense of time in seconds

– read, write and convert for 24-hour clock

2. Measure Area and Perimeter

– calculate area and perimeter given length and breadth

– calculate length given area/perimeter and other dimension

– composite figures of squares and rectangles

3. Measure Angles

– using angle notation ∠ABC or ∠a

– measuring angles in degrees using protractor

– drawing angles of given degree

– relate quarter, half and full turns to angles

– 8-point compass and directions

– relate clockwise and anti-clockwise turning to angles

4. Squares and Rectangles

– their properties in terms of parallel and perpendicular lines

– drawing on square grids, and using set squares and ruler according to given lengths

5. Line Symmetry

– identify symmetric figures

– identify lines of symmetry, justify symmetrical halves as reflections

– complete symmetric figure on square grid when given line of symmetry

Theme: Statistics

1. Tables and Line Graphs

– complete table given data

– relate data in table to (composite) bar graphs

– read / interpret / draw tables and line graphs

– solve 1-step problems reading data from tables/line-graphs

– be able to identify misleading representations


The importance and value of a strong foundation in mathematical concepts and thinking skills must not be under-estimated. Our Math tuition emphasis clear and agile thinking, the correct work attitude, and clean and neat presentation of the method used. Students who have a strong grounding in Lower Block topics and skills are well-positioned to do well during Primary 5 and Primary 6.